Pymd 42/H "blahhhhhhhhhh"
Interessado em: Women
Usuário standard
Última Visita: Mais de 3 meses
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O que eu estou procurando
blahhWhen I'm out driving I'll do anything to avoid traffic. I get along best with people who aren't afraid to call a spade a spade. In my free time I like to rock climb. When I go out, I go with the flow, and end up where I end up. For me a perfect date is a hot club where you can show me your best moves. For me a perfect Friday night is one that doesn't end until the next day. I look forward to whatever life brings. If you contact me please be discreet. I'll do the same for you.
Morando em:
Asadabad, Afeganistão
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Sobre mim
Sou Homem interessado(a) em Mulheres
Informações físicas
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Óculos ou Lentes:
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Dote Masculino:
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Informações sobre estilo de vida
Orientação Sexual:
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Estado civil:
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Hábito de fumar:
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Hábito de beber:
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