BrokenCrowns 44/M "Show me something more than your cock"
Interessado em: Men
Usuário standard
Última Visita: Mais de 3 meses
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O que eu estou procurando
This isn’t my first profile. I come and go. I am a fit professional with kinky desires I love to act on. I am sassy. I am articulate. I take excellent care of my body and mind. I’m also a little or a lot slutty, depending on your definition. I am selective when choosing a play partner. I do love a mind fuck that’s enjoyable, not one with cruel intentions. I know my worth. I am not a woman who is afraid to ask for what she wants. I am not meek. I do not want games or boys. I am seeking a man between the ages of 38-48 with likeminded desires and attractiveness. I am not ashamed of loving kinky sex. If you are, we are not a match. You must have a flexible schedule and a humorous personality. Please be able to carry on a conversation and show me respect. Discretion is vital…as is a filthy mind. Enjoy the hunt. I’ll be the prey.
Morando em:
Lancaster, Ohio, Estados Unidos
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Sobre mim
Sou Mulher interessado(a) em Homens
Informações físicas
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Óculos ou Lentes:
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Informações sobre estilo de vida
Orientação Sexual:
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Hábito de fumar:
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