Tracy096w 53/M "Am here looking for my love"
Interessado em: Men
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O que eu estou procurando
I love life and stay positive always. I consider if something bad happens, it is an experience; I just take it and move forward. I adore people who can inspire love. My friends would say I'm responsible, intelligent, attractive, with a sense of humor, kind, and a little shy.I think there are no ideal mates, as all people have their good and not very good sides. The main task is to find a person, whose disadvantages will be weak compared to his advantages. We all are human and can be in different mood, can have different times in life, but staying together with the one you love will give you strength and support. I am looking for this person who can support, hug and tell you words of love when you feel you need it.
Morando em:
Columbus, Ohio, Estados Unidos
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Sobre mim
Sou Mulher interessado(a) em Homens
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