bzm0m4fun 43/M "Deeper and deeper, is that too much to ask?"
Interessado em: Men or Women
Usuário standard
Última Visita: Mais de 3 meses
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O que eu estou procurando
Really important, I'm pregnant!!!! Okay, now that I've gotten that out of the way, if you're not turned off by a pregnancy I could really use your help. I find myself in a conundrum. Sex is what lead to my current condition, and since I've discovered I'm pregnant I've found myself suffering months without sex. If you're in the same situation as I (minus the pregnancy because that would be weird), message me. I need someone who is D&D free (for obvious reasons). I'm not looking to expand my pool, but rather a single partner until we both go our separate ways (again, for obvious reasons). Good luck and happy hunting.
Morando em:
Lorton, Virgínia, Estados Unidos
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Sobre mim
Sou Mulher interessado(a) em Homens ou Mulheres
Informações físicas
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Tipo físico:
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Óculos ou Lentes:
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Tamanho do sutiã:
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Informações sobre estilo de vida
Orientação Sexual:
Estado civil:
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Hábito de fumar:
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Hábito de beber:
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