trishster7788 40/M "I am fun loving, reserved, sensitive and most importantly single"
Interessado em: Men
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O que eu estou procurando
people say that I look much younger than what I am maybe(30) I try and stay in shape and my heart is young and I try and smile at what life has to offer me either good or bad. I am a strong believer that there is a time for everything when one needs to be serious but most of the time I truly like to smile and enjoy life to its fullest. I am single. I consider myself to be very compassionate and a true romantic. I love treating men with respect and believe in the old school of romance. I love to kiss and cuddle just holding hands and loving that person so I guess the word I am looking for is sensual .I love good conversation and most importantly someone who is not afraid to express himself and appreciates a man who shows affection in return
Morando em:
Cincinnati, Ohio, Estados Unidos
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Sobre mim
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Informações sobre estilo de vida
Orientação Sexual:
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